Why Is Mental Health Important For Seniors?

Mental health consists of our emotional, psychological, and social states of health. It is important to take care of and be cautious of your mental health at any stage of life. Seniors over the age of 65 can face mental health problems even though they are further on the path of life. Reliance Home Senior Services can treat seniors with mental health issues with the proper care. Our home care provider Long Island looks after our patients and because we want them to be healthy and happy.

Risk Factors of Mental Health Issues in Seniors

Like people of any age, seniors can have mental health issues caused by stressors. Physical problems that come with age can also affect mental health. Some of the risk factors that cause stress leading to other mental health problems in seniors include:

  • Ongoing loss in capacities and decline in functional ability
  • Reduced mobility, chronic pain, frailty, or other health problems
  • Bereavement, or a drop in socioeconomic status with retirement

Types of Mental Health Problems in Seniors

Dementia and depression are two of the top mental health problems found in older people. Dementia consists of the deterioration in memory and thinking. It is not a normal part of aging; however, it isn’t rare among seniors. Depression causes suffering and leads to impaired functioning in daily life. These two mental health disorders can be cared for by our home care provider Long Island.

Why Is Mental Health Important For Seniors?

Mental health is an important thing our home care provider Long Island needs to address in seniors because it can cause suffering. Mental disorders can lead to the following problems if not treated:

  • Changes in mood or energy level
  • Changes in eating or sleeping habits
  • Withdrawing from the people and activities
  • Feeling isolated or hopeless, or psychological distress
  • Anger, irritability, or aggressiveness
  • Thinking of harming yourself or others

Contact Our Staff
If your loved one is suffering from declining mental health, see our staff at Reliance Home Senior Services. Our home care provider Long Island can offer long-term care to increase the emotional, psychological, and social states of health. Schedule a consultation with us to address your mental health today.